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Offer ends 13th April 2025

Which? Gardening membership

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Garden with confidence

Which? Gardening magazine is the practical read you need to become a better gardener. Our experts show you what to do and when, our plant trials and garden product tests inform our Best Buy and Don't Buy recommendations, and our topical articles will guide you to create the garden you want.


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And how – we make it easy for you to keep your garden looking great with practical guidance that covers the key aspects of any garden: flowers, pruning, wildlife and vegetables.


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Email us whenever you need and we'll respond within a couple of days with clear advice tailored to your own particular circumstances and experiences as a gardener.


Jobs at a glance

Our gardening year planner shows you the monthly jobs to do for your garden to flourish. Display it in your kitchen, greenhouse or shed so you can refer to it regularly.

Common questions

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Here are the various ways you can contact us about membership.

Here are our Which? membership terms & conditions in full

More questions? Get in touch.

Ceri Thomas

I studied horticulture at the University of Reading and RHS Wisley. As an enthusiastic gardener, writer and editor, it's rewarding for me to share advice, ideas and recommendations with you that can help you make more of your garden.


Adele Dyer
Principal researcher

I run the plant trial grounds where we test many of the seeds, plants, composts and feeds we feature. I make sure the trials are fair and accurate so that when we find a Best Buy, you know you can choose it with confidence.